Tuesday 14 June 2011

Notices 12th to 19th June 2011

Whit Sunday  -
  8.00 am
10.00 am
  6 for 7pm
Holy Communion
Holy Communion with Seekers in The Upper Hall
Focus Group Service in church
 10.00 am
   6.00 pm
6.30 – 8.00
   7.00 pm
Care4You (Lorraine Ball) resumes today in The Old Vestry
Rainbows in The Upper Hall
Belrobics in The Nave with Jenny Murphy
Focus Fellowship in The Old Vestry
 10.00 am
   2.30 pm
   6.15 pm
   7.30 pm
   7.30 pm
7.30 pm
7.30 pm
Holy Communion in The Meeting Place
T.L.C. – “Tea & Love for Carers” in the Meeting Place
Brownies in The Upper Hall
Guides in The Upper Hall (resumes after extended holiday)
Norton Lees Local History Group meeting in The Old Vestry
‘Prayer in the Parish’ at Jenny & Dilesh’s home. All welcome.
Baptism Preparation in The Meeting Place

   9.00 am
 10.00 am
 10.30 am
   6.00 pm
   7.30 pm 
   8.00 pm
Prayers in The Old Vestry
Peekaboo Babies in the Nave & MP and Toddlers upstairs
Care4You (Vanda Hopwood) meeting in The Old Vestry
Yoga with Yolande Swift in The Upper Hall
W.I. “Craft & Chat” meeting in The Old Vestry – new members
always welcome!
Tai Chi with Gary Shaw in The Upper Hall
 10.00 am
3 – 4.00 pm
   6.30 pm
   7.30 pm    
Weight Watchers in The Upper Hall
‘Active Sheffield’ Chairobics in The Meeting Place
Weight Watchers in The Upper Hall
“Questions! Questions!” in The Meeting Place
 10.00 am
  to noon
Spring Cleaning morning in church – please let Ken know if
you are able to help. If you can only come for half an hour,
your help would still be valued. Thank you.
Trinity Sunday
   8.00 am
 10.00 am
   2.00 pm
– 5.00 pm

Holy Communion
Family Worship (No Seekers today)
Bishop’s Garden Party at Bishopscroft, Snaithing Lane, with various attractions including stalls from M.U. and The Cathedral Archer Project (Proceeds to both organisations.) Also plant sale, entertainment by Dinnington Colliery Brass Band and refreshments by St John’s, Ranmoor. Adults £2.00 Children free.

ENID After a long wait for a diagnosis, Enid has been told that she has a rare form of pancreatic cancer.  Sadly, pancreatic cancers are usually aggressive and difficult to treat.  The only chink of hope is that it is a rare from.  Please continue to pray for Enid and Andy.  They should have more news about what will happen next during this week.

PENTECOST @ ST PAUL’S Grateful thanks to everyone who gave their time to help with yesterday’s family event. Special thanks to Pete and Ann for organising it all, and also to Jana for setting up the Prayer Stations for us all to use.

SAMARITAN’S PURSE There’s a new copy of Shoebox News on the notice board. Please take time to have a look; it really portrays the joy experienced by the recipient children. In 2010 the U.K. raised £1.12 million !

REMINDER – BISHOP’S GARDEN PARTY (see over) Ecclesall Deanery MU, of which St. Paul's is a branch, is collecting new toiletries for their stall. St Paul’s M.U. would appreciate contributions. The Diocese would also welcome cakes for our stall which usually makes lots of money for our charities. Thanks. Margaret

CHRISTIAN AID Many thanks to all who helped to collect £1093.73 (to date). Thank you to the Guides for delivering the envelopes, Pam for counting the money and of course to the collectors.

JEAN After being admitted to St Luke’s following complications with her treatment, Jean sadly died last Wednesday. Jean’s funeral will be on Friday 17th June at 1.00 pm and it will be held in Abbey Lane

Chapel. Jean will be fondly remembered by many of our congregation and all her friends in the W.I.

BARBARA will be in Overdale for 2 weeks from June 4th, with the possibility of staying there. This is a big step for Barbara and the family ask us to pray that Barbara and they are able to fulfil Barbara’s wishes as she moves in to what might be her new home.


will be having an illustrated talk on The History of Ponsfords with Adrian and Angus Ponsford on June 14th. All welcome. £2.50 including refreshments

CHURCH BUFFET Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Summer Buffet owing to people being on holiday. We will now have an Autumn buffet. 


  • HEELEY FESTIVAL – Sat 18th June, Stalls, fun and games
  • OPERA IN THE BARN – 23rd July at Whirlow Hall Farm
  • YORKS HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST Annual Ride & Stride – 10th Sept

Please see the folder of Community Notices on the bookcase. Thank you

Prayer Focus:

Enid and Andy

Sheila who has cancer in two of her ribs.  She will begin treatment including radiotherapy which will help with her pain and slow down things down.

Edris who has been coping well so far with her chemotherapy.

Claire and Albert, and Albert’s eye problems,

The family & friends of Jean who died recently,

Brian, Barbara, Hazel,

Robert, Peter, Michael,

Sadie, Doug, Roger, Barbara, Peter & Wendy, Murray & family

Mike’s Ministry:

Sun 12th – 8.00 am at St. Paul’s, Torksey BB Camp

Wed 15th – Carfield Upper School

Thurs 16th – Porter Croft Primary

Sun 19th – St Paul’s 8.00 am H.C.


From Murray

It seems that there is a lot of painful news around at the moment.  You may be feeling upset, wondering why God is allowing things to happen or even wondering if He is there at all right now.  The bible warns us that there will be much which is difficult and painful as we seek to serve God.  It is also important for us to be honest with our feelings and express them as much as we can to God. So, if we are overwhelmed by the unfairness of life, we should pour that out to Him.  In the meantime it is best to hold on to what we know has helped us over the years.  There will be times for all of us when the sense of God’s presence will be hidden from us, and God has much for us to learn, even in the bleakest of situations.  Faith is about trusting and depending on God when we don’t know things for certain and we don’t have all the answers.  I pray that all our faith will grow and that God’s love and mercy will be seen in the lives of those we pray for.

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